Need Internet Exp on other comp for a moment. When click on IE flashes for sec and then goes away. Cannot migrate back.
My wife's computer with windows XP. Had internet Exp 8 on. Loaded Firefox. She needs to use IE for a program but it will not migrate back. Firefox add on will not take. IE .exe in program files will not start. IE download hangs up. Please advise.
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You should be able to run either IE or Firefox from its respective icon regardless of which one is the default browser.
If the IE icon is missing, how about this:
Start > Run > iexplore.exe {ENTER}
When you say --
Firefox add on will not take.
-- what add-on are you referring to? Please note that extensions such as IE View and IE Tab use the components of IE supplied with Windows and do not contain extra copies of those components.
There is a program supplied with Windows XP named sfc (system file checker). I haven't used it myself, but it can restore corrupted system files which might get you a functional IE6 back which you then could upgrade again.