how to find folders after a book mark search?
I am using Firefox 20.0.1. I have had 2 brain tumors and have my memory is gone to hell. I also get frustrated really easily. I am hoping someone can help me with an issue.
I have issues keeping my bookmark library cleaned up. I know I have a bunch of duplicate bookmarks and duplicate folders for the same type of info IE I may have more than one folder for Camera's.
When I do a search for a subject it does not show where they are located in the library. IE. I may do a search for Plants and get 40 bookmarks, but when I go to my Plant folder there are only 15 bookmarks so I know there must be at least one more folder that I can not find.
Is there any add on, update, etc.. that could help me clean up my library?
Any help, suggestions, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
所有回覆 (1)
You can look at these extensions:
- Show Parent Folder: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/show-parent-folder/
- Go Parent Folder: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/go-parent-folder/