How can I change the default behavior for ctrl-Tab?
I tried to change the behavior of ctrl-Tab from 'Next Tab' to 'Previous Tab' and added 'alt-Tab' for 'Next Tab' in Keyconfig so I can navigate in both directions with one hand. It does not change the behavior of ctrl-Tab.
I created both these shortcuts in Keyconfig:
Next Tab gBrowser.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(1,true);
Previous Tab gBrowser.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(-1,true);
I even tried doing this from the command line with the same result:
defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Next Tab" "~Tab" defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Previous Tab" "^Tab"
I'm not sure why this didn't work but maybe "Tab" is the wrong keyword. I couldn't find any documentation on what it should be. Or possibly "Next Tab" and "Previous Tab" don't work in this case because they are not 'built-in' commands. A third possibility is that it won't work because ctrl-Tab is a built-in shortcut but I can't believe that is why. I was able to change cmd-Q to ^-cmd-Q no problem and that is a default OS X shortcut. I was also able to change other built-in functions' shortcuts, just not this one.
So what am I doing wrong? Has anybody been able to change this particular shortcut?
所有回覆 (4)
Could I suggest posting this question in the keyconfig extension support thread? I suspect the developer and the users there will be able to answer more quickly.
See also:
The commands would be "Browser:PrevTab" and "Browser:NextTab" (these can be used in gestures).
I'm not seeing the key sequences to advance to the next and previous tab in keyset #mainKeyset in the DOM Inspector, so that is likely the cause that you can't change them.
OK I posted a link to this thread on that forum thread but I still think this is general enough that it could be answered in this forum.
"The commands would be "Browser:PrevTab" and "Browser:NextTab" (these can be used in gestures)."
Where did you find these?
I tried:
defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Browser:NextTab" "~Tab"
but it didn't work. Maybe 'Tab' is the wrong keyword?
"I'm not seeing the key sequences to advance to the next and previous tab in keyset #mainKeyset in the DOM Inspector, so that is likely the cause that you can't change them."
Can you explain why you think this is the cause?