How can you maintain security settings with the pornographic sites are already on your computer and an 8 year old is using it. Please contact me and tell me ho
My 8 yr old granddaughter uses this computer and while I was looking for a way to get rid of yahoo after deciding to dump Firefox because it is constantly quiting I was in the registry and found Yahoo in an area that is filled with pornographic sites. Not knowing how to get rid of this site I deleted the entire section. Looking at your browser doesn't do anything to address this problem and I WILL NOT use a web browser that does not have some type of security for sites that I DON'T WANT MY 8 YR OLD GDAUGHTER LOOKING AT! So buck up and get it done to prevent this.
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It's possible that what you saw in the registry was a list of blocked sites. Hard to say at this point.
A popular filter is K9 Web Protection: http://www1.k9webprotection.com/
What I did to solve this problem was download Microsoft Security Essentials and delete the domains section of the registry. That sounds like a fix but I know that it isn't and I have probably messed up my computer over this but as long as it works I am ok with it. Thanks