Cannot find an 'add device' link on FF29
My page does not include the 'add a device' button. I could add a photo, but this box won't take it. And when I log into Sync I get a menu in French which does not include the option to add a device:
Gérer le compte <---This is not a link, so takes me nowhere Vous êtes connecté en tant que : [my email address]
Déconnexion Modifier le mot de passe Supprimer le compte
所有回覆 (6)
Hi there, we just changed the way that sync works. Can you please update all your apps to the latest version? You should then be able to create a Firefox account, which means that you don't need to have your other devices around to add them to sync.
Sync has changed in Firefox 29. You don't need to add devices anymore. The way it works is that from each device you simply log in to your account.
You can find instructions here: How do I set up Sync on my computer?
It should be much easier to configure your Sync account this way.
Let me know if this helps.
Here is a link to a photo of the page on my FF29 where the directions say "Add a device" should appear:
I had already tried that several times, from my iPad Foxbrowser. Is that the wrong browser to use?
That gives me a login page that wants a password and a sync key.
Password: I filled in the password manually and by pasting from 1 Password. I changed the password and tried again.
Sync Key : For lack of anything else I tried the key the Foxbrowser gave me (for using from my computer) before this login page, which was a 12-key nonsense thing. I then tried an old identification phrase I used to use with many account.
The result is always "incorrect password."
Already updated to FF 29.0 before trying all this, and my FF says it is up to date. I just downloaded the Foxbrowser today, also before all this.
By manually entering the <https://accounts.firefox.com/signin> page on the Foxbrowser, I can sign in, but then what? How do I get the sync to start? If I start it from the computer, nothing happens on the iPad.
由 iVoicia 於
Seeing that iPad Foxbrowser is "forked" from the abandoned Firefox Home app, it may not have been updated for the new version of Sync that is in the Firefox 29+ versions of Firefox. Once a Sync account has be updated for new Sync, it won't work with the older version of Sync, and I suppose won't work with the Foxbrowser for iPad or bookmarks-on-the-go iOS either. Both of those apps need to be updated for new Sync compatibility.
BTW, new Sync did away with the need for a Recovery Key, which is ~22 characters long; the 12 digit code is for the pairing process which changed, too.