Add web page shortcuts to your Home screen in Firefox Klar

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar Igcine ukuvuselelwa:
Akekho umuntu osesize ukuhumusha le athikhili okwamanje. Uma usuvele sewazi ukuthi kusebenza kanjani ukuhunyushwa kwe-SUMO, qala ukuhumusha manje. Uma usafuna ukufunda ukuthi ahunyushwa kanjani ama-athikhili e-SUMO, uyacelwa uqale lapha.

Access your favorite pages easily by adding them to your Home screen on your Android phone. Firefox Klar makes it easy:

  1. Go to the page you want to add to your Home screen.
  2. Tap the menu button next to the address bar:

  3. Tap Add to Home screen.

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