Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

News Querries on default page.

On my home page i have 2 rows of short cuts. Then the latest news listings. Can I change the types of news listings? For example one story might be from NPR while the … (funda kabanzi)

On my home page i have 2 rows of short cuts. Then the latest news listings. Can I change the types of news listings? For example one story might be from NPR while the next can be from CNN then another from MSNBC. Non of which interests me. Is there away to set sites in the settings to list News and events that I would be interested in? Sites like The Wire, Reuters, NewsMax, RT, The National Desk, etc. So would there be a way to get those headlines? Thanks

Asked by Gator Spotter 4 ezinsukwini ezidlule