Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

hello.. saya sangat brterima kasih atas khidmat pelanggan Mozilla Firefox.. SOALAN SAYA, Bila Mozilla Firefox ini di cipta? Siapa pencipta browser ini?

Sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Mozilla Firefox, Kerna sangat membantu dan memudahkan saya.. mungkin bukan hanya saya yang merasakn impak teknologi hujung jari ini tapi m… (funda kabanzi)

Sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Mozilla Firefox, Kerna sangat membantu dan memudahkan saya.. mungkin bukan hanya saya yang merasakn impak teknologi hujung jari ini tapi meliputi semua lapisan pengguna saiber.. Thank you very much'Mozilla Firefox..'

Asked by Jainul George 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

todays is 3months someone access my mobile and they took my gmails my photos and 4 mails he access and i dont have any any gmails to recover & my facebook &snapchats also my dear team help me please 🙏

Bulleted list item# Numbered list itemlink textitalic textbold text* # Bulleted list item My room,mate access my mobile & he took my gmails,5 gmails he took &… (funda kabanzi)

My room,mate access my mobile & he took my gmails,5 gmails he took &, amd he changed all gmails passwords and my facebook , instsgram,snapchats,all access he changed passwords my everything he took please Dear mozilla team help me 🙏 THANKYOU DEAR SUPPORT MOZILLA!

Asked by Criee Rio 4 ezinsukwini ezidlule