Copy Thunderbird Addressbook to Internode.
I wish to transfer my Thunderbird address book to Internode webmail. I export my address book from Thunderbird as a .vcf file, and import it into Internode. The names in my address book all come over correctly, but with no email addresses. Internode tell me that it is 'beyond their scope' and a 'Thunderbird problem'. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Kanga85
All Replies (3)
My TB is 78.7.1, 32 bit, Windows 10
I suggest you try another file format. VCF is a vcard format of which there have been a number of versions. Thunderbird 78 exports in vcard version 4.0 perhaps your provider does not support that version.
Internally all "fields" in a vcard are identified and the email address is identified the same in V4 as it was in V1 but that is not to say there are not issues if internode only supports V2
The following is an excerpt from a vcard file I exported today using fictitious contacts. BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:4.0 EMAIL;PREF=1:Bill@Microsoft.com EMAIL:Melinda@microsoft.com FN:William Gates NICKNAME:Bill ORG:Microsoft Corporation; N:Gates;Willian;;; ADR:;;One Micrisift Way;Redmond;WA;98052-7329;USA UID:3e22efa3-11c1-42e3-8923-c4e35d26e285 END:VCARD
It is pretty simple stuff. But perhaps try another export format like ldif if internode support that.
Thanks Matt.
The Internode input will only accept a .VCF format. I have tried .ldif, but the Internode site then says it will only accept .VCF, which it partially does but neglects the email addresses.