TB How to filter out an embedded link
I read this article: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1309590#answer-1360144
Seems like it will find the "text within the body of the e-mail",
then allowing to mark as Junk, move, etc. But doesn't work on an embedded link(s)
I also attempted this suggestion (from above link) with known target e-mails present in folder
Classic Search (Ctrl+Shift+F) And this search didn't find them either. How can I filter on an embedded link (not just text).
All Replies (4)
I would like to filter out on these links: http://kral.
Here's the "Show source" (with my true e-mail changed)
From - Sat Mar 26 08:58:12 2022 X-Account-Key: account2 X-UIDL: b7f3dcd2-ace6-11ec-aba5-8504f13ae9cf X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: <no-reply@basicga.quest> Received: from charter.net ([])
by mtain012.msg.chrl.nc.charter.net (InterMail vM. 201-2473-137-122-162) with ESMTP id <20220326092547.QSAA3279.mtain012.msg.chrl.nc.charter.net@charter.net> for <myemail.com>; Sat, 26 Mar 2022 09:25:47 +0000
Received: from vdgzikguvlbvd.com ([]) by cmsmtp with ESMTP id Y2cxnxTb3J3nJY2d4nRL0z; Sat, 26 Mar 2022 09:22:41 +0000 X-Authority-Analysis: v=2.4 cv=eM0AMVl1 c=1 sm=1 tr=0 ts=623edb62 cx=a_idp_d
a=8bZLGqP/ToX/lQE2YmFcvw==:117 a=8bZLGqP/ToX/lQE2YmFcvw==:17 a=HpEJnUlJZJkA:10 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10 a=MKtGQD3n3ToA:10 a=o7vbuD6k7CcA:10 a=5KLPUuaC_9wA:10 a=ZZnuYtJkoWoA:10 a=Lc-HPqErAAAA:8 a=sCUM5Mdwns6BgTUznLoA:9 a=_W_S_7VecoQA:10 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=-FEs8UIgK8oA:10 a=NWVoK91CQyQA:10 a=ws70rhP2WSi9HWnMgsxt:22 a=Z5ABNNGmrOfJ6cZ5bIyy:22 a=jd6J4Gguk5HxikPWLKER:22
X-CM-Score: 0.00 MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 08:50:40 +0000 From: 123inkjets Offer <no-reply@basicga.quest> To: myemail.com Subject: =?UTF-8?B?V2UndmUgZ290IHRoZSBpbmsh?= Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-CMAE-Envelope: MS4xfLBWyStLhnvcQxRrXwvTKegZ0DjHSMZY+EllPGbKLCP2aUjmpejimqYYof1THwy+5Rq6wdYP0Nw9E4TjGPXD7v/rOvVGcAaPLeOCjhAWz8BIDkJnDwbZ
Message-Id: <20220326092547.QSAA3279.mtain012.msg.chrl.nc.charter.net@charter.net>
Thunderbird filters allow access to the message text, not the source HTML. There are some security issues allowing access directly to the source as Thunderbird routinely sanitizes the HTML it displays.
I suggest you simply add a custom header to the filter on list for Return-Path: and filter mails based on it containing basicga.quest
Thanks for the timely response. I have set the filter to look for that "From:" string. However, this "bad guy" has sent me 217 SPAM's since Dec and only ~1/4 of them contain this "From:" string. The only thing in common is the beginning of the embedded links "http://kral....." I have reset my Adaptive Junk Filter and we'll see if this evolves into catching him.
thanks for all you do.