Why can't we disable auto-reloading without having the nag bar every time it does its job?
Blocking page reloading (or auto-refresh) and being "warned" about a blocked page reload, should be two, separate items in Prefs, or config. Period. If someone wants to be "alerted" or "warned" every time their settings are acted-upon, so be it, they can choose to be warned. As it stands, the only way to block the annoying auto-refresh, is to choose the annoying nag.
Where is the logic in that? What next? Maybe we should have an alert every time a new tab or window opens, that says, "Firefox just loaded a page you requested."
Why not follow the structure, already established, over and over, in Firefox's preferences, whereby a user can make one choice, and then there are sub-items that can also be chosen, or not chosen? (i.e., 1-Accept cookies from sites (check, or no check), a) Accept third-party cookies (select from Always, From-visted, or Never)?
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hello, this is a primarily community-run support forum so it's probably not the right place to request features (we cannot implement any features & devs won't read here).
please either use https://input.mozilla.org/feedback for general feedback or if you feel that it's a missing feature in the browser file a bug at bugzilla.mozilla.org.