How can I customize the message pane quick filter to resize with the pane?
The quick filter box on the toolbar above the message pane disappears when the message pane is made smaller. Rather than resizing and moving with the boundaries of the pane the quick filter box just get's hidden. How can this be corrected or fixed?
All Replies (2)
on I can not reproduce. Using windows 7 Pro 64bit and the Aero style interface the whole thing just resizes.
HAve you tried with add-ons disabled from the help menu?
I disabled all addons and I'm also running Win7 Aero but it does the quick filter box does not re-size with a change to the pane size.
See the images. Now you see it, now you don't. Now I didn't squeeze it down till it totally disappeared just far enough so you could see that the magnifying glass is all that's left but there's still roam for it to show to the left.