i have been trying to attach screenshot in order to explain problem (below). May have succeeded but I don't know.
I may have succeeded saving PNG image of screenshot to PICTURES FOLDER of Libraries but no preview visible so I am not sure. Anyway, if you can see the screenshot, I have 7 email accounts with Optimum. They are shown in the screenshot (beloe) in the panel on left. I want to change the order that they appear to: burtga@gmail.com (topmost), then in order (top to bottom): burtga@optonline.net -- shelliga@optonline.net -- NEW IMAP bridge11590@optonline.net -- OLD POP bridge11590@optonline.net -- mimic11590@optonline.net -- triqua@optonline.net
The Pictures Folder says that it contains a PNG File 768x614 Size 2.67 KB but I don't see anything and when I try to upload it using "Browse" below, it says "No File Selected". How to solve?
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Please do not open multiple threads for the same problem. Continue in your original found here.