Need phone # to discuss Thunderbird not recognized by Epson XP810 printer, Scan To Email, feature; Epson Support Ref. #160516002290 & then I need to call Epson
Epson's Scan To Email feature sends scanned items by email client, Windows Live Mail, but will NOT recognize Thunderbird. Epson Support tried unsuccessfully to add Thunderbird and gave me their Ref. #160516002290 & said that I must talk to Thunderbird Support to resolve this problem. Then I must get back to Epson Support associate, Giam. Hopefully, you have a fix that will enable Thunderbird to be used with Epson;s, Scan To Email, feature. John
All Replies (2)
This is Thunderbird support. There is no phone to ring as a community project we also have no offices to install the phone in.
My guess is that epson are using emapi (supported by windows live mail) Thunderbird supports MAPI only and any attempt to verify address books or access them by the priner software will fail is a screaming heap.
Unfortunately very few of these third party vendors appear to comprehend that MAPI and EMPI are not the same thing, and stunble on the way to the block by trying to use the address book from emapi.
OK thanks, Matt. Apparently, not a Thunderbird issue but Epson Support said that it was & I must TALK to Thunderbird Support. Strange, as I had explained to Epson Support that from the day I bought my Epson printer I was using their great feature, Scan To Email, using THUNDERBIRD to successfully transmit MANY scanned emails. Thunderbird is the one and only email client that I have to use. About 3 weeks ago ONLY Windows Live Mail became available ... no one can explain why Thunderbird was available to me. I'll go back to Epson tomorrow and plead with them to officially add and accept Thunderbird. Wish me luck. John