Thunderbird not sending emails
I keep getting an error when trying to send emails, I have no problem receiving them.
Sending of the message failed. Failed due to unexpected error 80004005. No description is available. The message could not be sent using Outgoing server (SMTP) smtp.office365.com for an unknown reason. Please verify that your Outgoing server (SMTP) settings are correct and try again.
I thought this was an issue to do with Microsoft and them blocking connections but they have said it isn't.
All Replies (12)
Hello there gs-newslog. We have read your message We try to help you.
Oké you are here with Thunderbird.
I can send you this form to read. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cannot-send-messages
⚫️IMAP server name outlook.office365.com
IMAP port 993
IMAP encryption method TLS
POP server name outlook.office365.com
POP port 995
POP encryption method TLS
SMTP server name smtp.office365.com
SMTP port 587
SMTP encryption method STARTTLS
Are you using Windows xp? Send me a message after reading please.
Greetings Firefox Volunteer
I have already tried all the suggestions in that article and they don't work.
I am using Linux Mint - TB V68
Hello there Gs-newslog.
The error code that is active on your computer machine can or is an error in your computer system itself.(operatingSystem).
Since the code is mentioned if the system has been malfunctioned due to unnecessary input or too much incorrect input, also incorrect system input this can cause it to be more of a meeting of such topics and may be difficult to solve. It is possible with certain software that can be found on the internet. but must be downloaded.
Refreshing the operating system can be a good option for this. If you know how to do it.
I can send you some of it.
-error 80004005-
greetings Firefox volunteer.
Hello there again Gs-newslog.
incorrect input and incorrectly removed software programs cause this error code.
Check carefully which ones you put back on your computer machine or removed after, for example, reinstalling a new operating system.
Just use a good one. For example, open Linux or switch to Windows. This also concerns updates, these can also play a role if they are treated incorrectly.
Are there any questions. Feel free to mail.
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
"or switch to Windows" lol not a chance.
I have done a new install of Mint 20. The first thing I did was add my account in TB which worked and I received email but when I tried to send an email I got the same error.
This seems like Microsoft is blocking me even though they say they are not?
do you have oauth set as the authentication method? Are cookies enabled so oAuth can work?
I have the default settings that came with the fresh install, so unless they are the default settings then no.
I just got an event invitation and clicked accept then got this error:
"An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:OutboundSpamException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message WASCL UserAction verdict is not None. Actual verdict is HipNotify, ShowTierUpgrade. OutboundSpamException: WASCL UserAction verdict is not None. Actual verdict is HipNotify, ShowTierUpgrade. [Hostname=LNXP265MB0394.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]. Please check the message and try again."
so outlook has you flagged as a spammer. Perhaps have a chat to them.
When I googled the error this perhaps useful information came up in the backup4all web site https://www.backup4all.com/how-to-configure-and-use-office365-smtp-server-in-backup4all-kb.html
n this case, you need to first confirm your office365 email account. To do that, just login to https://outlook.live.com with your email and password. A phone number for confirmation will be required. After the account is confirmed, you can try again to send a notification test email from Backup4all.
I suggest you try and confirm your account as described.
I have had a chat with Microsoft, the link is in the first post but they have said they are not blocking me. My account is verified but I still keep getting asked to verify and I have had the email in question for a very long time.
Well it is now working again so that confirms it was a Microsoft issue, unless you did an update to deal with this?
If you didn't update then, no, there was not an update ;)