Firefox developer tools response garbarge
Hi, I'm having an issue with Firefox developer tools response in the network tab. When I look at the response it's all garbage but when I look at it in Chrome or Charles proxy it looks fine.
To replicate: 1. Go to https://www.realestate.com.au/new-homes/ 2. Open up developer tools, switch to network tab and filter by .mst 2. On the webpage click `Explorer` sub menu item 3. Inspect the response of the .mst requests and it's garbage like: PHN0eWxlIHR5cGU9InRleHQvY3NzIj4uc3RhbmRhcmRfX3N0YW5kYXJkLWNvbnRhaW5lcl9fXzFGVFJ3e21heC13aW
Chosen solution
This isn't garbage, but Firefox shows the response encoded as base64 to avoid issues with characters that can't be displayed:
decoded via atob('PHN0eWxlIHR5cGU9InRleHQvY3NzIj4uc3RhbmRhcmRfX3N0YW5kYXJkLWNvbnRhaW5lcl9fXzFGVFJ3e21heC13aW') this becomes:
<style type="text/css">.standard__standard-container___1FTRw{max-wiRead this answer in context 👍 0
All Replies (4)
Chosen Solution
This isn't garbage, but Firefox shows the response encoded as base64 to avoid issues with characters that can't be displayed:
decoded via atob('PHN0eWxlIHR5cGU9InRleHQvY3NzIj4uc3RhbmRhcmRfX3N0YW5kYXJkLWNvbnRhaW5lcl9fXzFGVFJ3e21heC13aW') this becomes:
<style type="text/css">.standard__standard-container___1FTRw{max-wi
Thanks. Yep. I thought it might be encoded. I should have checked that. Is there a way to get the dev tools to show the response as unencoded text? Is it showing it as base64 because of the content-type `application/octet-stream`? I'm just trying to understand why it's different to html or text response for example.
Yes, that is quite likely the cause as this application/octet-stream content-type can be used for all kind of data. I do not get .mst files when I visit your link, so I can't check its initiator. You will also see the response being encoded for (woff) font files. HTML files and image files are among the content that is rendered.
Thanks. You need to click the Click the `explore` sub menu to get .mst files. See in my screenshot