Some of my emails are going into the recipient's spam folders. They are people I know, but don't yet have me in their address book.
I'm running TB 91.3.2 on a Mac Mini running 10.13.6. For the past couple of months, some of my email winds up in the recipients' Spam folder. (Some have me in their Address Book, some don't.) This is not a mass mailing. I'm sending email to people I know.
How do I stop this?
All Replies (4)
I don't think you can. It's up to the recipients to adjust their spam filter.
There must be something that changed in my email settings that I can't see. My mail is hosted on my website by rcn and they don't do anything or know anything. Maybe it has something to do with TB changing its parameters in some way or a spammer used my email address. How would I know? I am a sculptor and I use my email for business purposes. This is deadly.
Maybe ... a spammer used my email address. How would I know?
You'd probably know right away due to a lot of undeliverables are returned to your email address.
What you can try - but no guarantee of success:
- don't send HTML mail, use plain text instead
- don't use links in your message, neither in the body text, nor the signature
- don't use attachments
Your messages may be classified as spam by your own email provider, the recipients email provider, or the recipients email client. None of those is under your control.
What you can control is your own email address (at least to some extend), so think twice for what and with whom you use it.
There were no undeliverables, or as it was described, backscatter.
But I spoke to my email provider, and the Tier 2 Tech said that they have a way to attach a protocol to my mail that will flag it as legitimate. Apparently, a number of clients have had the same problem in the past 6 to 12 months, particularly with gmail, and this solves it.
Will let you know if it works and what it's called.