UID FETCH Error using Optimum Email
On Aug 14 2022 I was receiving email just fine via Thunderbird. As of Aug 16 2022 I am getting the error UID Fetch Failed. I saw a few similar posts but nothing resolving the receive message error. It shows the number of unread messaged on my optimum account but cannot return them to the Thunderbird Inbox
IMAP Server: mail.optimum.net Server Port 993 SSL/TLS
No issues with outgoing mail. SMTP Server: mail.optimum.net Server Port: 465 SSL/TLS
All Replies (4)
Hello there inrit. We have read your message. We try to help you.
Uid fetch error that could not be solved. wait overnight to check if the other day the issue is disappeared. Uid fetch error is a request for to much e-mail incoming at one moment. The server does respond to that.
Reinstall the Thunderbird Software i# a option. Use of cleaning software before reinstall also.
your antivirus that is messing with your mail sofware. Try to turn off your antivirus or soften the security the internet traffic.
Other errors can come up after changing Smtp settings. Inbox s can go blank.
Server bug does appear.
Greetings Firefox volunteer.
I've tried these steps - even uninstalled after saving messages and copying the profile; and reinstalled Thunderbird. When I try and launch it, I get Profile Missing. I copied the profile back and can launch the application but still get the UID Fetch Error.
Still nothing from all the help sent from Thunderbird users. I then contacted my server, Optimum. The tech support team checked all settings and they said everything is working as designed and it is problem within the Thunderbird app. They did not want to change any settings in Thunderbird as they did not want to be responsible if something major should happen to my system. They did however provide me with this link from Mozilla:
My problem is I am not so technically savvy and did not want to do unfamiliar things to the Thunderbird program. Can someone look at this link and then please explain in laymen's terms EXACTLY what I am supposed to do within Thunderbird? It seemed simple, yet it was still very confusing to me. As of now, I cannot even get much response from the Thunderbird accounts. Mail comes in to the secondary account, but CANNOT connect to the internet from any link that may be in an email. Thanks again
I tried those steps and Thunderbird did not recreate the inbox.msf file. So didn't work for me
The instructions are clearer from the following website: https://www.systoolsgroup.com/updates/resolve-uid-search-failed-internal-error-thunderbird/