Thunderbird102.3.3 Address Book printing problems
After updating a contact with additional information(Notes, Phone #'s, email addy's, etc), printing of this contact then shows no contact information. Before adding any additional information, that contact when printed showed all contact information. It seems that when a contact is updated with new/additional information, printing of that contact shows nothing. All data for that contact is missing. example: 1.select a contact 2.print that contact.... all contact information is shown 3.select that contact again 4.add additional information 5.print that contact... all contact information is absent/gone/not visible (no dates, notes, websites, phone #'s, etc) All the contact information is saved and can be viewed but cannot be printed. Thanks for your help in this matter, Donald Sleno (Ottawa, Canada) [email removed from public]
All Replies (1)
Thanks for sharing your problem. Such a bug was reported, and is planned to be fixed in next weeks 102.4.0.
If you find that update doesn't solve your problem, please file a bug report https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Thunderbird