Filing Tree
Hello, I have recently added an email account to Thunderbird. This is a Microsoft Exchange account. The filing tree within this account has not been imported to Thunderbird (at least not visibly) and I cannot find how to address this. The option to Subscribe folders does not appear to be available. Any assistance would be gratefully received. Thank You, Martin.
All Replies (3)
Thunderbird does not yet support Exchange, but will soon. For now, you may need an addon, either OWL or EXQUILLA. I think there is a 30-day free trial and a modest annual fee. Not sure if this is what you need but it may help. A few years ago, I had an exchange account and used exquilla with excellent results.
Thanks for the reply, David. I have Owl but haven't been able to uncover my tree! Looks like I may have to resort to Outlook - I suppose that a bit of use will result in familiarity and comfort/confidence. But I really want to stay with Thunderbird.
I am only a volunteer, so don't know all the issues, but support for exchange was anticipated to be here, but was delayed for further testing. Check announcements periodically for updates. Here is latest update: https://blog.thunderbird.net/2024/04/adventures-in-rust-bringing-exchange-support-to-thunderbird/