I have visual problems and need to set EVERYTHING to a larger font, this tiny one just doen't work for me and I hate to alwayss have to change my screen with every page
How can I set my browser to always open in a larger font? It gets tiresome to have to use control ++ to enlarge my screen with every "page" I turn to while browsing. I have visual problems and cannot read anything less than 12 pt font. I prefer 14pt font. For instance this font here is TOO small! I need to reset to a permanent change; for instance, my Dell desktop is set for 150% and I need to set my browser to be legible.
All Replies (2)
If the zoom feature usually gets you to where you want, you can set that zoom level as the default for all sites. There are a couple of add-ons designed to save your zoom settings. I haven't tried them, but here they are:
If there are particular sites that still present a problem, feel free to post their URLs.
Go to Tools>Options. Choose Content tab. In Fonts & Colors click Advanced. From the pop-up window you can change the size (and other stuff) for various fonts according to the web pages language you are interested in. For English language web pages choose "Western" in Fonts For prompt and increase all three kind of "sizes" you see (see attached image)