My Sync and Button Sync settings
I have tested many months software called Mozilla Desktop. After disabled Sync option it worked very fast and time delay when added bookmarks/folders was gone.
I assume this is the main reason why my bookmarks had time loading issue.
My question is the following:If I set inside preferences:Options>Sync checkbox just for Bookmarks Will sync button at the top of menu work for bookmarks if I pair devices?
I'm almost 99% that checkbox and automatic Sync causes issue with time loading from version 10. If I click manually Sync button, is it working MANUAL Sync for bookmarks or I have to pair devices which means AUTOMATIC Sync.
Need help.
All Replies (2)
Hi Toplisek!
I understand that you want to keep your bookmarks on sync, but only your bookmarks and you want to pair them only when you want.
In your text there are 2 questions:
If you select Options -> Sync only for Bookmarks, you will only sync bookmarks when you press the sync button.
In top of that, bookmarks will be maintained in Sync, but running this in the background. The Sync button, does not mean that is a manual sync. What the button does it that it forces your computer to Synchronize with the server that will after synchronize all the devices that you have paired.
If there are no devices paired, the information will not go to your other devices.
I hope this is clear enough. Ibai
I guess this Sync when paired has loading issue. I have checked Boomarks and left paired device. Will test paired and unpaired.