Firefox often disappears from my computer and I have to download often. I always have trouble with the download because my virus checker pops up and inhibits i
Do you have a phone support number?
Firefox often disappears from my computer and I have to redownload. I do it from your site hoping it's safe, but my Internet Explorer always blocks it at first and I have to tell it it's ok. Then my virus checker pops up and says "potential problem", and then I search all the other options for downloading and the same thing happens with all of them.
How can I be sure I'm safe when downloading Firefox and why does this happen so often? I have XP, but my husband has it also on two computers, and he never has this problem.
I have also searched to see if I can contribute to Firefox, because I think it is a GREAT browser. I just don't know where to go for information like this, and you don't seem to have a phone number.
Thank you.
Donna Randle
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All Replies (10)
If you are getting that many warnings, START ASKING QUESTIONS ! You should always get any program / file / what ever from a safe site. As to Firefox, go to Mozilla.org .
Sometimes people get infected with fake antivirus software that blocks non-MIcrosoft browsers and various other downloads. As a supplement to your regular security software, you might want to try the free scanning and cleanup tools recommended in this support article: Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware. If you can't download those, either, I would be very suspicious.
Thanks for trying to help me. I would LOVE to ask questions, but Firefox doesn't seem to have a phone number. I finally got it downloaded, but my virus checker required a reboot to "clean" whatever it cleans.
My hardest thing is even finding the safe download site. I will try Mozilla.org as you suggested, next time.
Thank you. I will try your suggestion and let you know how it goes.
Mozilla is the true owner of Firefox. When you are dealing with any program, you should always get it from a site that can be trusted. And if you get a notice that something needs to be updated, go to the site that owns that program. There are many fake sites that try to put malware on your system disguised as something else.
I am really very careful about viruses, etc. and always have a virus program. I just thought that Mozilla-Firefox was the name of the company and so looked for it like that. They aren't really very forthcoming with support, and really make you work for answers, but it is such a good browser, and so many banks and financial institutions trust it over any other browsers. So I just put up with this little ongoing annoying problem.
Now that I know mozilla.org, I will deal through that website.
I always welcome help on these issues, and I am very grateful for any hints you can pass on to me. Thank you very much.
I feel that we've been forthcoming, if you don't mind the system of posting your question and waiting for the response. Because this forum is staffed mostly by volunteers who help out when they have the time, it's difficult to provide more "real time" assistance (e.g., phone or computer chat assistance).
I didn't realize I was talking to a "staff" member. I thought these were just random people.
Now that I understand who I am talking to, I thank you for your website. As I said before, there used to be a place on the website where you could contribute, but I can't find it any more.
I appreciate your help and I admire you for the job you're doing.
Thank you.
Hi Standupmom, I might be considered a random person, actually.
Maybe this is the other page you remember? Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities at Mozilla.
Thanks. I'll try that.