How do I pin my Mozilla Firefox 28.0 shortcut to taskbar on my tabletop [bottom of page]?
I reset my Firefox browser today - and solved many problems.
But now I have my Shortcut on the tabletop of my PC - Windows 7 - and am unable to pin ot to the bar on the bottom of my Windows page.
The Mozilla Firefox shortcut works (I checked). But I don't know why I'm unable to have it pinned to the bottom of my screen - on the buttom bar?
All Replies (12)
First of all, what do you mean by shortcut? Sorry, I'm confused
I'm not sure if this will help, but try right clicking by the Awesome bar (not on it), press Customize, and try to drag it to the add-on bar (the bar at the bottom of your screen). That might help, but if it doesn't please reply with more information.
Thanks, tom01
OK, I'm sorry. I meant that I want the Mozilla Firefox icon/button to appear on my TASKBAR (I could never get it [the term] distinguished from a "TOOLBAR."
Anyway, I have the Firefox browser shortcut on my PC Desktop (sometimes I erroneously call it a "Tabletop"). And when I drag it to the buttom of the screen and onto the Taskbar, nothing happens - except that I get the "stop sign" [red circle, with a red diagnol] indicating that the shortcut hasn't been pinned to the Taskbar. - It's so frustration, I'm thinking like I'm should be reading Bars for Dummies, and have a drink (but I don't drink, or go to bars).
Anyway - I want to be able to blick on the taskbar to open my Mozilla Firefox browser - but it's disappeared from the Taskbar after I did many things to my PC when my Norton 360 annual subscription ran out, and I got all sorts of "viruses, malware, and unwanted software. Now I'm using McAffee for 30 days for free (to see if it's better).
Instead of "blick" in the above, I meant "click.."
This may not help, but have you tried right-clicking Mozilla Firefox and selecting "Pin to taskbar"?
tomo1. You were advising me on my Toolbar (= Awsome bar). But my problem is with the TASKBAR - which appears on the buttom of my Windows 7 screen: I want the Firefox "buton/icon to appear there - so that I won't need to keep the Mozilla Firefox shortcut on my Desktom in order to access my Firefox browser. I had that previously. But now I'm unable to pin the Firefox short to the Taskbar (on the bottom) of my Window 7 screen.
Tom01. Did you mean that thru START I should locate M. Firefox? Unfortunately, what you recommend does not provide for the option to Pin M. Firefox to the TASKBAR.
For some reason, there seems to be no easy way to add Mozilla Firefox to the Taskbar - that I know of.
But my question is obviously extremely elementary - I should be able to click on my Taskbar whenever I wish to open my MF browser (like I used to do)!
Even if there is a way - it seems it isn't obvious or easy!
Sorry, I was talking about the icon on your desktop. Do you have Firefox on your desktop? If you right click that, it should have an option to pin to the TASKBAR.
Another way: when you have Firefox open, right click on the icon on the TASKBAR and select "Pin this program to taskbar"
In neither case (of the two you suggest) do I get the option to pin Mozilla Firefox to the Taskbar!
What are you doing wrong? The last suggestions by Tom01 should work:
Also you could try from your Start menu. If Firefox doesn't show in that list, click on All Programs, then scroll to find it there. In any case you just need to Right-Click on Mozilla Firefox and select the option to Pin to Taskbar.
That isn't even a Firefox support issue, it has to do with the Windows operating system.
See this - http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/products/features/windows-taskbar - the section on Pinning
Basically, you need to drag the Firefox desktop shortcut down to the Taskbar, and then right-click that shortcut and select Pin this program to taskbar.
Does that work for you?
I think you are right - I have a Windows 7 issue - corrution in the system. I ran a registry clean - CCleaner. Maybe that caused my problem.
When I right-click with my mouse over the Mozilla Firefox icon I pnly get 4 options:
Run as Adminstrator
Remove from this list
I do not get the option to Pin Mozilla Firfox to the Taskbar!
Can you drag the Firefox icon to your taskbar and see if it pins there? Several contributors have asked you to try that but we haven't received a reply.
Here's a few different suggestions in case the latter doesn't work.
- Open Firefox then when it is open, right click the icon on taskbar, click Pin to taskbar
- Take a look at the Windows Pinning Issue thread on Microsoft's forum. The one you should look at first is the Most Helpful Reply by the user eldarmark.