Firefox crashes
Hey guys, could you please take a look at my Mozilla firefox crash reports and possibly advise me what's wrong, as I have tried all the above mentioned solutions and none of them seems to work. Thanks
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All Replies (3)
Can you give me your crash reports?
- Enter about:crashes in the Firefox address bar and press Enter. A Submitted Crash Reports list will appear, similar to the one shown below.
- Copy the 5 most recent Report IDs that start with bp- and paste them into your response here.
Hello thanks for the reply, here's the latest crash reports!
bp-0dcb573e-4bca-4348-9088-2e7f72141028 bp-c3dd9bda-73b8-43f9-815b-e12982141028 bp-b0975822-423f-45a6-b3dc-8f0ee2141026 bp-a9ee8c67-be0d-455d-8494-3e7502141026 bp-cfb7404c-701b-4408-a209-db3f62141017
Your crash reports are showing that Adobe Flash is the cause of it.
You can try a few things to see if they fix the issue.
Try disabling Hardware Acceleration.
- Go to this Adobe Flash Player Help page.
- Right-click on the Flash Player logo on that page.
- Click on Settings in the context menu. The Adobe Flash Player Settings screen will open.
- Click on the icon at the bottom-left of the Adobe Flash Player Settings window to open the Display panel.
The image "fpSettings1.PNG" does not exist.
- Remove the check mark from Enable hardware acceleration.
- Click Close to close the Adobe Flash Player Settings Window.
- Restart Firefox.
This Flash Player Help - Display Settings page has more information on Flash Player hardware acceleration, if you're interested.
Try to disable Protected Mode in Flash 11.3 and above by adding the line ProtectedMode=0 to the Flash "mms.cfg" file located in one of these locations: [46]
(Windows 32bit) C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash (Windows 64bit) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
For example, on a Windows 7 64-bit system, open the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash folder, copy the file "mms.cfg" to the desktop, open it in Notepad, add a new line ProtectedMode=0
and then close Notepad, saving your changes. Next, go back to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash folder, rename the original file to "mms.cfgBAK" (to save it as a backup) and then drag and drop in the modified "mms.cfg" file from the desktop. [47] [48] [49]
Note: To re-enable Flash Protected Mode, either restore a backup of the original mms.cfg file, if you saved one, or else re-edit the mms.cfg file to remove the ProtectedMode=0 l
line you added. Updating Flash Player or installing a newer version does not automatically re-enable Protected Mode