Copying mail between two Linux computers, "unable to move message" error
I have two laptops - my main one is stationary and the other one I take with me on trips. They both run Fedora Linux 35, and they both have Thunderbird installed. When I am going on a trip, I copy the whole .thunderbird folder from my "stationary" laptop to the other laptop, since the accounts are POP3 and I would like the most recent mails on the other laptop as well.
However afterwards, when the second laptop starts fetching mail, I get lots of "Unable to move mail to XXXX folder, because it does not exist" -- something along those lines.. I look and the XXXX folder exists actually. These messages are probably coming from my filters.
What I do then is to take the machine offline, and then using the down arrow, go thru the entire folder list on the left. As I do that, the numbers of messages in each folder appear, and once I am done, I no longer have issues like the "Unable to move"..
Is there anything else that I should be doing instead of this down arrow? because it's a bit of a pain and it takes time..
If there is a better way to sync these laptops, please let me know.. I tried rsync before too - that works but the same issue persists, the "unable to move"..
Many thanks, -turgut
All Replies (2)
Do you have any filters with move actions? My first thought would be some folders are read only and/or not 'owned' by you, but the Linux user account on the other laptop.
All of my filters are with move but file permissions is not an issue. Otherwise when I'm down arrowing I should be getting errors. Besides I thought of it and tried a chown -r the first few times this happened.