Tbird in Win11- Setting up Provider Mail address
My Plusnet Mail account is fully operative out of Thunderbird in Windows 10, alongside my outlook.com mailer. I am attempting to duplicate this in a new Win 11 PC and finding it difficult to duplicate my Win 10 Server Settings, due to the ambiguities thown up in hoping to duplicate the Win 10 Tbird 'Server Settings' in the Win 11 'Set Up Your Existing Email Address' questions page.
Win 10 Tbird set-up page confirms my POP Mail Server as 'POP', 'relay.plus.net' and 'Port 110', the Outgiong Server as 'smtpmail.plus'.net' and Username as '"my-name@plus.com".
The Win 11 Tbird 'Server Settings' page (after my own inserted Mail address and Password) includes: 'Incoming Server' protocol as 'POP3' Host Name: (auto-selected) '.plus.com' Port: (empty) Username (empty) - I elected to insert email address "my-name@plus.com".
'Outgoing Server' Host is (again) 'plus.com' Port - empty - and finally (again) ' 'Username' (empty and complered as before with) "my-name@plus.com"
Note: Despite the (fixed) message "Thunderbird will attaempt to auto-select blank fields", the final result advises: "Thunderbird failed to find the settings foryour email account".
Am I making wrong assumptions as to what should be inserted?
All Replies (1)
If you know the settings from your other PC, I suggest inserting those manually. Thunderbird has a database of some email hosts, but not all.