Is there a way to remove or disable the "Clear List" button from the downloads list?
Is there a way to remove or disable the "Clear List" button in the downloads list? I like to _keep_ my list populated with what I've downloaded but occasionally end up with it getting clicked on accident and lose the whole thing. Given that "Tools > Clear Recent History" dialog can accomplish the same thing I find Clear List to be irritating. So can I get rid of it in any way?
This happened
Just once or twice
my brain lapsed on me
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4
All Replies (5)
Hello Chris.
- go into Help > Troubleshooting Information...
- click Open Containing Folder
- in the folder that appears (new windo in windows explorer), go into the folder chrome
- open the file userChrome.css with a text editor
- at the end of the file, in a new line, add the following code:
I haven't tested this, but it should work flawlessly. You can always erase this line if you want the button back. This will only work on your Firefox profile. If you want these changes to span across all Firefox users on your computer, please tell me.
Thank you very much, it works great. A note though - my Firefox had "userChrome-example.css" and no such file without "-example". I gathered it needed renamed (actually copied it and renamed the copy appropriately), added your line there, and it worked!
Multiple profiles I was not concerned with, I am the only user of my computer. Also I found line 15 of the file pretty funny. :)
(very quick response there as well, only an hour, ty yet again!)
You can remove the selected file in the Download Manager with the Delete key if necessary or remove all files if you use select all.
Yea, I pretty much got that. I know most of the keyboard combos for getting around programs and the OS in general. Ctrl+A to get the whole list, del-key to remove the one or all that are selected, holding control while clicking to select multiple specific items, holding shift while hitting up/down arrow and or home/end from current selection, ect... That's all fine because it takes more than one accidental click to obliterate an items from the list ;)
how did you get to know about/deduce this?
any reference/configuration manual?