how to change the background of new tab
the background of the new tabs is white. i want to change it to the picture of my persona. is that possibles !!?? if yes than how? if not than why not!?
All Replies (3)
at the moment you'd have to do this manually: http://mozillalinks.org/2012/06/wallpaper-your-firefox-new-tab-page
i tried doing that but it doesnt work!!!! am i missing something!?
Where is the image file located?
Can you post the full content of the code that you used?
Did you use Stylish or placed the code in userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line?
The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */
/* Set a wallpaper for the about:newtab page*/ @-moz-document url("about:newtab") {
#newtab-scrollbox{ background: url("file:///c:/machu.jpg") no-repeat !important ; background-size: 100% !important; }