How do i reduce font size on bookmarks drop down
With windows 8.1 the font size in bookmarks drop down is larger than in vista.
Is there a way to reduce font size. I would like to display more sites in the drop down.
In 8.1 the amount of contacts in the list has decreased about a third over vista.
All Replies (2)
Go to Help=>Troubleshooting Information=>click on the "Open Containing Folder" button=>enter the chrome folder=>make a copy of userChrome-example and rename it to userChrome(or just rename the original).Double click on the file and delete everything from inside and paste this code
You need to insert the @namespace at the top if you delete everything to avoid namespace problems.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */
#personal-bookmarks toolbarbutton.bookmark-item {font-size: 12px !important;} #personal-bookmarks menuitem.bookmark-item {font-size: 12px !important;}
You can experiment with the font sizes to see what best suits you. Make sure that you add the 'px' unit after the number without any separated spaces: 10px
Post credits to : vsub and dickvl
The chrome folder and the userChrome.css file were removed from Firefox many, many versions ago, like Firefox 5 or so. My advice is to install the ChromEdit Plus extension if you want to work with the 3 "user" files.
Those three files are automatically created in the correct location, and can be accessed from within Firefox via a Menu item or with a toolbar button which will be sitting in the Customize palette.