pc mover firefox migrate
I have used pc mover to migrate my pc. when i luanched firefox my bookmarks were there but there was no pictures of the bookmark icons, only aftar clicking on the bookmark and refreshing did the image come.passwords and seached text are there too.Should i assume the profile was loaded correctly and the data is there.
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can you please explian to me what i should do in more detail.passwords from the old computer reamain on this one just formhistory saved text searches and history.bookmarks are still there.
saved text/seaches and history are missing.
anyone know what to do and can you describe in detail.all my history and search history/saved text are missing past 30 may. did they expire and how can i check can someone tell me in detail please.
the download history also goes down to only may 30, can that expire?
saved passwords from old computer,addons,bookmarks there all there its just the saved text and the history and download history. what do you guy think happened?
also on a side note encrypted sites that have a lock icon sometimes come up with an exclamation mark i have to refesh to get the lock icon back.does this mean when the lock icon was not there my data was not encypted?
If there is mixed passive content (e.g. images) then Firefox shows an exclamation mark instead of "Site Identity Button" (globe/padlock) on the location bar.
This is an odd case, the exclamtion mark comes up randomly for sites whch usally have to lock icon like google and if i press refesh the lock comes back up. during the time it was an exclamtion mark was it really vurnurbale?
Can someone explain to me the defualt firefox expire system? I just launched firefox and a seach text was there but after checking again certain text has disapered.
Hi nasaqww, The form fill expire 180 days is the default. You can see this in the about:config page under the feature: browser.formfill.expire_days and browser.sessionhistory.max_entries
As for the explanation mark, if you click on that the permissions menu will come up an it will give you more details.