plugin-container.exe : what is it, why is it necessary, can I delete it
Please start a new thread http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum.php?locale=en-US&forumId=1&openpost=1 -FF4L
I have another kind of problem with Firefox
What is it, Why is it necessary, Can I delete it
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
Today 6/22/2010, when Firefox updated to 3.6.4 GTB7.0
Troubleshooting information
Closed it via Task Manager
Firefox version
Operating system
Windows XP
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100611 Firefox/3.6.4 GTB7.0
Plugins installed
- -BitTorrent Plugin 1
- 1.9.0009.1
- Java(TM) Platform SE binary
- DivX Web Player version
- npdivxplayerplugin
- Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
- Default Plug-in
- Google Update
- Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
- RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
- Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
- ~Mirage Plugin for Visual Mirage Projects
- Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
- Npdsplay dll
Všechny odpovědi (20)
Yes, and the firefox.exe file itself now takes up about 40%-50% more resources than before the upgrade....
This is just awful, Mozilla: please fix this issue ASAP.
why is that thing crashing my computer?
I hope somebody will answer why it made my computer crash.
Firefox freeze after last update. Can only shut down with Task Manager. How to fix it? Can plugin-container.exe be disabled or deleted? If, how to? Mad a search on my laptop, but cannot find it. Win xp problem only, I do not have problems with win2k on my stationary computer
i too have this problem now- I used firefox for years, never a real problem, but since this update its this dam plugin container slowing my browser right down. Can u believe i even went and tried IE for browsing(although that lasted 5 mins) PLEASE mozilla-DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I cannot open more than 2 windows without my browser slowing to a crawl
This plugin-container.exe is obsurd. Constantly crashes now on most flashgames which worked 100% before update. Like someone stated above, Mozilla definately should've made information about this plugin more clear as well - At first I know I went paranoid when it began asking for internet/screen access and figured it was malware (Obviously, went searching.. realized it wasn't.)
But again, this is ridiculous now, I went back to Chrome because Firefox is almost useless now. Here's to hoping they update that buggy piece of crap soon... Would like to be back on firefox (Without it crashing for no reason 98% of the time....)
Fresh install of win7 x86, same prob but seems to be adobe flash causing it, as IE's CPU usage is around 50% when on the same page. (facebook farmville, and other games like that)
gf not a happy bunny = me not a happy bunny :(
Well, after a normal everyday used plugin "crashed" and sent this plugin-container.exe to take over my PC and leave me not able to access anything (no firefox, not excel, no Outlook, etc)...I am finally done with Firefox. I know I am but a drop in their pool, but it was drops that helped them grow. I hope they get it fixed - but I won't be back. Google Chrome is way faster and is not crashing.
I tried disabling it, but whenever I watch something it requires flash, plugin-container pops back up in my task manager? And I find it relatively slower than before. Any ways around it or fix? Or downgrade?
what they said.
Before update:
Flash Videos play fine, rarely crashes, normal amount of CPU.
After Update
Flash videos play so slow it is not even funny, crashes every other video (on YouTube! I have had more video crashes in the last week or so than I think I have ever had in the last YEAR), and the CPU takes HALF of my memory.
Get it fixed, I switched from IE to Firefox, and I will switch from Firefox to (?) if it does not get fixed shortly.
Please make sure your Flash plugin is up to date: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
If you're having issues with 3.6.4 and the Flash plugin, please take a look at Adobe Flash plugin has crashed - Prevent it from happening again and increase the timeout as indicated.
haha, mozilla failed. but it's the first time, so I guess it's okay. com'n guys, i-explorer jerked you off every day back in the days
glad that I use ff + opera anyway.
but for real - wtf ^^
This is bull****, get it fixed already
Uses waaaaay too much CPU usage. I'm switching to Chrome until I get word that this has been resolved.
Bye Mozillaaaaaaaaaa, it has been real, but your bloated browser has really crossed the line with this latest idiocy!
Mozilla is stupid like flash. Software creators just keep getting more and more stupid
Obviously most firefox users are not amused. And neither am I. I always try to keep the number of processes to a minimum and to suddenly see one appear that eats up a considerable chunk of my resources was a nasty surprise. Especially considering it coming from Mozilla. Surely this is going to be fixed soon?! If not, I too will start looking around for an alternative.
plugin-container.exe SUCKS!! it is a memory hog and a CPU hog. everytime my system bogs down or locks up, taskmanager shows this "plugin-container.exe". one time there were 4 instances of it running, the pc clock didn't have enough juice to run!! what is this disaster? and how do i make it go away???