How do I attach an email from the Sent Items Folder?
How do I attach an email from the Sent Items Folder to a new email?
Alle Antworten (8)
Right click the email and select Forward As Attachment.
There are multiple emails that I would like to merge into a new email as attachments. How can that be accomplished?
Select them as do as stated above.
Airmail said
Right click the email and select Forward As Attachment.
I found this only works for me if I select multiple emails. Right clicking on one email doesn't offer the option of "Forward as attachment". But, I wanted a way to forward multiple emails to one person, so for me, it worked perfectly. Thanks!
I have no idea why it is not working for you on a single message. Selecting one or more messages and right clicking offers the option to send as an attachment. Granted the option is in a different place in the menu that opens but it is there.
I tried it again and studied the pop-up menus, but that option is not there (for me) unless I've selected more than one email. No problem, tho. If I only want to forward one, I open the email and select forward.
I wanted to forward a whole bunch of support emails to my wife to read at her leisure. She recently had lung surgery. I had been forwarding them one at a time (whole lotta work). Doing it your way worked great, except for one except. Her Windows 8.1 Outlook.com email program can't open the attachments.
I'll just keep sending them to her individually. This won't be a regular event. She can open them fine that way.
So when you right click a message you do not get a menu like this?
Geändert am
Correct - I do not.
Here is screen shots (taken with camera phone) of the two different menus I get. One is with only one email selected and in the other one I have selected two emails. Note that "Forward" doesn't offer the "as" selection when only one email is selected.