moz-lwtheme usage (#toolbar-menubar)
As since FF 57 nothing works as it should anymore regarding design, and Google any lots of tryouts do not bring me to a working solution:
How do I get my menubar in the same theme-color as my nav-bar or active tabs with userchrome.css?
Actually it is themed when I activate 'my' dark theme - but dark (same as a non-active tab) - but I want it in the same color as an active tab.
Any ideas? Many thanks already.
I find no "manual"/explanation about the exact usage of moz-lwtheme anywhere :(
Alle Antworten (3)
If you want to customize the menu bar you need to do some homework on userchrome.css and do some programing to setup the menu bar to what you want. Otherwise you need to search online for userchrome.css to find one that matches what your looking for. FF support here will not do userchrome.css programming for you-it is the standard layout and that is what it will be.
Firefox should be happy that users still use Firefox after they have raped it this design-way. We (have a look at how much users a disappointed with its new "standard-design" - thats also a reason why tools like classic-theme-restorer with many many users existed at all or so many threads regarding this exist here) users could do our homework - if there would be a useful explanation somewhere how-to! Its already a imposition in my opinion to all the users to hope they learn CSS now only to redesign their tools...most users do "their" homework in another way - by just switching to other browsers.
However, as said, I find nothing useful around the net about the usage of moz-lwtheme for example (which seems to be no "standard" (as the 'moz-' indicates to me). And its for sure not the mission of Firefox its users to fiddle around days to make their beloved tools as they worked in the past only cause the developer (!) thinks a new design would be more contemporary. If so, Firefox has to live with it that users change their browsers or being just disappointed.
I am out now...I´ve done the last hours (!!!!) nothing else than trying to fix this to look as it should / as the same theme appeared in FF 56 or still appears in FF ESR. With activated menubar and a theme Firefox offers it looks just defect here on Firefox 58.
And without professional help its not fixable for me or any other normal user. I tried everything - to extract any informations from my ESR-version - without success, I cant find any userchrome.css there.
I tried to install a DOM-Inspector, "its not supported anymore for your version".
Doing such design-mistakes and then giving no support for such things or getting answers from users like "do your homework" makes me laugh. Shame on you. What happens here with the design is just a bad bad joke in my opinion. Be it as it is, I leave it now - its not my problem when everyone laugh about how Mozilla did their homework, how crappy Firefox looks today or when the last user changed to another browser. Have a nice day.