I cannot save complete websites with File->save as : website complete
Only the html code will be saves. A folder with pictures and so on will not be created. The saved website comes up without pictures.
Alle Antworten (4)
Can you please double check that when saving in the "Save as type" is set to "web page, complete" Not "webpage, HTML only"
Hello, I make an additional test to save a webpage with pictures with File -> save as type -> web page, complete. No folder with pictures and so on will be created. After that I load the saved webpage with File -> File open xxxx.html. The webpage comes up without pictures.
I save often websites into my filesystem. I have take a look into my filesystem. Between September and October 2018 firefox lost the function to save webpages with pictures.
Now I use firefox quantum version 64.0 (64-Bit) on Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon. Kernel 4.15.0-42-generic. Cinnamon version 3.8.9.
Best regards, J. Thomas
What your seeing is what would happen cause you don't have access to their file locations for the pictures thus you won't see any pictures. I have no problem with saved web pages doing that limits as you won't see picture or audio or restricted files as they have saved behind a firewall. You can't get those pictures or other files for a reason and that is called Copyright protections. If you want to save them the only other program I know and use is Acrobat Pro that can make a pdf of the site and where the pictures and links are active should I open them in Acrobat. Otherwise if you save and go offline those pics, audio, file links won't work.
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Images opened (requested) via JavaScript or background images loaded via a CSS file might not be saved in Firefox by using Save Page As. Images loaded directly (i.e. they show in the page source) should be saved in the xxx_files folder. There used to be extensions that would handle this correctly, but I don't know if there is a WebExtension with this feature.