Can't open any page after update to version 64
On a machine using windows 10 home, after updating firefox to version 64, any page or tab open is not shown. Even firefox options cannot be shown. Tried to start in safe mode, reinstalling a fresh version of firefox.
Console shows the following: uncaught exception: Protocol error (unknownError): Argument 1 of InspectorUtils.getAllStyleSheets is not an object. XHRPOSThttps://incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org/submit/telemetry/4f606c3f-8458-4782-bca4-5db392721d64/main/Firefox/64.0/release/20181206201918?v=4 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 508ms] POSThttps://shavar.services.mozilla.com/downloads?client=navclient-auto-ffox&appver=64.0&pver=2.2 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2549ms] GEThttps://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/threatListUpdates:fetch?$ct=application/x-protobuf&key=AIzaSyD_Drzahe4dBzGCZ9ArvowCvrPx_yFrlCM&$httpMethod=POST&$req=ChUKE25hdmNsaWVudC1hdXRvLWZmb3gaJwgFEAEaGwoNCAUQBhgBIgMwMDEwARCEzgUaAhgGHcP0cSICIAIoARonCAEQARobCg0IARAGGAEiAzAwMTABELChBRoCGAYCDT7FIgIgAigBGicIAxABGhsKDQgDEAYYASIDMDAxMAEQzqsFGgIYBhgZ6toiAiACKAEaJwgHEAEaGwoNCAcQBhgBIgMwMDEwARCWuAQaAhgGHX8a4iICIAIoARolCAkQARoZCg0ICRAGGAEiAzAwMTABEA0aAhgGjC7IfSICIAIoAQ== [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 949ms] GEThttps://push.services.mozilla.com/ [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 991ms] NS_ERROR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIInterfaceRequestor.getInterface]
Thanks for your help.
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Alle Antworten (2)
n of firefox.farbiondriven said
Tried to start in safe mode, reinstalling a fresh version of firefox.
When you did a reinstall did you first uninstall firefox and deleted the Mozilla folder before reinstall? If you didn't do this the problem from before will still be there. And before doing this backup any bookmarks so you can restore them back.
I uninstalled, then I deleted all mozilla folders in program and in appData, then I re installed.