Date Failed / Add-ons Update Failed
I seem to have a problem with the dates in my browser. This has caused the weAutoPagerize add-on to stop working properly. This add-on to connects to a database to update itself. The problem, as the attached image indicates, is that my browser tells the add-on that the date is 12/31/1969, which means that it cannot be updated.
I've also tried the uAutoPagerize add-on, which uses the same database, and has the same problem.
It seems this problem originated when I had to restore my system. However, I already checked the date and time on my computer, and they are correct. It should be noted that this problem only occurs in my portable Firefox. In my desktop version any of the two add-on mentioned above work normally.
What could I do to fix this problem?
Thank you for your answers.
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Alle Antworten (7)
Have you contacted their support about this?
Make sure the clock on the computer is correct.
Check the time / date / timezone settings.
Last check: https://time.is/
Thanks for answering.
I am consulting the problem with my Firefox in this support forum. Is there any other means?
The time and date of my computer are correct, I had already checked it; and now I have checked it again (see attached image).
You need to contact the add-on's ssupport.
How can I contact the technical support?
Many programs have a 'Help' page to contact support. Also check the webpage you downloaded the add-on from.
I have written to the creators of the add-ons; however, they have not answered me.
PS: Now I have the problem in both my desktop Firefox and portable Firefox.
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12/31/1969 is close to 1/1//1970 what likely means that the date field is not the current or latest time in Unix Epoch but is zero and the timezone correction makes the time you see listed.
It is possible that the extension(s) uses an API call that is no longer supported and that needs an update. You can check the Browser Console for relevant-looking messages about this extension.