Languages for downloading
Hello Among the language choices for downloading, Macedonian is not included. Are there any plans to offer Macedonian?
Thank you for your support
Alle Antworten (3)
There is Macedonian - Македонски among the Firefox languages list for download. https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/desktop-release/win64/ https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/desktop-release/
You can ialso nstall a Macedonian Македонски language pack to change the user interface language. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/use-firefox-another-language
Yes, but the link you provided appears that it provides an option for the Macedonian browser, which is not what I need.
I was referring to the Languages under the Firefox General Settings page, which lists the Languages to "Set your languages and site translation preferences and manage lanuages downloaded for offline translation." This list does not include Macedonian.
Nothing has been announced about Macedonian, so it's not in the queue yet.