135.0.1 Mozilla Browser: have found that the file SAVING-function in the 'Application Menu' does NOT PROPERLY WORK!
thorsak Today at 12:21 PM
thorsak 2/23/25, 2:49 PM
February 23, 2025
Hi: I've just recently installed 135.0.1 Mozilla Browser and have found that the file SAVING-function in the 'Application Menu' does NOT PROPERLY WORK: it records my message-title but NOT the contents (0-bytes!) -I never had such a basic issue in many years of very satisfactory Browser-use ...am I have a wrong setting somewhere and is there any quick fix please ...? - Email me when someone answers the thread ...MANY THANKS, Tony H.
P.S.: Please send me a link where I'd get a help since I'm NOT GETTING ANY HELP FOR SEVERAL WEEKS ...! Thanks-Tony H.
Alle Antworten (6)
Can you tell me, what is the file SAVING-function in the 'Application Menu'?
Can you provide steps to reproduce this error?
TyDraniu: It's the 'Menu' function in the newly Updated 135.0.1 Ver of Firefox under the 'PRINT-SAVE AS' which you use when you trying make a copy of e.g. while mailing a Utility Bill: in the task bar it shows the progress of mailing a 'Utility Bill' ... I can't believe how EXTREMELY DIFFICULT is to get a VERY SIMPLE HELP in resolving this issue ...! Further description of the error is that the receipt-copy is stored in my PC (Thunderbird) BUT WITHOUT THE CONTENTS (showing '0-bytes') ...! (have never experienced such an malfunction during Emailing! In advance - MANY THANKS to you for trying to provide me a help to resolve this malfunction - Tony H.
P.S.: why we don't have a SIMPLE LIST OF LINKS OF GOOD PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF who are trying to provide an effective help to one-of-millions of Mozilla users having such similar issues ...?!?
I have closed two of the three identical topics raised on this, now he question remains about what application the issue relates to as two of the topics were in the Firefox forum and this is listed against Thunderbird.
So I will leave it to the poster of the topic to confirm via a reply the application they are seeking support for.
Hi Matt: ...nice to be in touch with you again! - last time you helped me with some Email-issues so I hope you will be able to help me again: I'm referring to the Option/Function I guess (!) either to Browser OR Thunderbird - anyway, when I click it to find out what it suppose to do - it gets displayed the following: Display the progress of ongoing downloads (!), the shortcut to open this feature is Ctrl + J, and is just SAVING a copy of my payment receipt in one of my Folder in which I store all copies of my payment receipts. Frankly, I don't understand why it should anything to do with downloads rather then naming it as a 'SAVING-Option' during Emailing an Online-Utility payment bill and trying to save a copy of any payment receipts ...! Anyway, this function was working for many years without even noticing - until few days ago when I've noted that this function still confirms and registers Emailing any transaction but WITHOUT providing the contents, displaying only an error 'Failed' with '0-bytes' contents instead of the copy of the payment receipt, and the Icon-name displays a small dot in orange color! I have NO CLUE what a 'stupid Program' might be causing this 'secret' interference with its proper function and I've NEVER experienced before ...! The only other thing I could add is that I've noted that this malfunction started just a short time BEFORE I downloaded & installed the most recent Browser Update Ver 135.0.1 - so I guess we could ignore to have anything to do with this malfunction, right?!? Otherwise, I'd greatly appreciate if you could help me to eliminate this annoying problem ...Thanks, Tony H. P.S.: by the way Matt - have you send me your suggesting advice because I've NOT received anything from you - my Email is: thorsak@frontier.com (and I've requested to obtain any suggested advice by Email in my Profile) ...
Zero bytes of anything is usually caused by antivirus scanning. It is either working like a slug in the system tmp folder or just not really being up to the job and blocking the writing of the data to the final file.
Standard diagnostics for that is to use Windows safe mode with networking, or use the startup part of the windows task manager to disable everything in the startup applications. It is almost the same as safe mode with networking for this issue.
Often everything in the temp folder needs a good spring clean as windows does a pretty non existent job of that itself. One of the reasons Windows has a reputation for slowing down over time is the temp folder being full up with hundreds of thousands of orphaned files that are no longer needed.
Microsoft offers these words as to doing disk cleanup
- In the search box on the taskbar, type disk cleanup, then select it from the results.
- Select the drive you want to clean up files for, then select OK.
- Select the check box next to the type of files you want to delete. (To view a description of each type of file, select the name.)
By default, Downloaded Program Files, Temporary Internet Files, and Thumbnails are selected. Be sure to clear those check boxes if you don't want to delete those files.
I will add ensure Temporary files is one of those selected in the list, you will have to scroll down to see it as it is towards the bottom of the list.
Hi Matt: ...MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CONCISE & HELPFUL ADVICE - you are the BEST ...!!!: it's now 3/8/2025 - 2:29 AM of our US-Seattle, WA time and - ...I was just going to shut off my PC but being very worried about my above issue - I've "forced myself" to quickly check out before going finally to bed (at nearly 3 AM!) if I have received a helpful advice from you and - yeees (!!!), I was very pleased to find it for which I'm sending you many thanks again ...! Anyway, I'm very eager to follow your instruction for cleaning the files & folders as soon as I could tomorrow morning and inform you ASAP if your suggestion help me to eliminate this very annoying issue because, of course I always keep the copies of my payment receipts in my PC BUT because I could not use this very useful but presently not working function, I was forced to SAVE any needed payment receipts at least by use of the Thunderbird Message Option ... Anyway, I will let you know about the results later today ...Thanks again, Tony H.