Bug in Page source view
In Page Source view in 32-bit Firefox 3.6 under Windows, if there is a URL in the source code that is erroneously not closed with a quote, for example:
<a href="http://mozilla.com>The Mozilla' site</a>
(Note absence of quote after .com)
And you reload the source view, it loads the source of the page in the URL instead.
In normal page view, leaving off the quote will cause the link not to be displayed, so it is a common reason to open source view and try to identify the problem.
Alle Antworten (3)
If there are such serious error in the page's source code then the result will be unpredictable. We can see that it is wrong, but a computer parses data more strictly and may decide to skip everything till the next closing quote (").
Source code view is supposed to display the source code, not interpret it. I don't consider that a satisfactory answer.
You can disable the context highlighting if you find that distracting. In this case it should make noticing that something is wrong more easily though. A link starts with a quote and ends with a quote and everything between the two is considered the link. If the second quote is omitted then it is the choice of the developer on how to deal with it. Either not to interpret the text in between (you may even have forgotten to HTML escape some characters "e; <) or try to catch up in case you forgot a closing quote. Both can have their disadvantages in case of an error from you.