Why is there no form history manager?
I looked at the file that stores the form history and its 30MB in size. A lot is not used any more or captured without reason, while other entries are still needed. Because I still need some entries I cant just delete the entire form history. Other entries are there where I think: how did get in there. I dont want that.
Since the txt in the file is senselessly encoded I cant just edit it with my Notepad. And for what such a huge file (30Mb) anyway?
Alle Antworten (2)
Which file do you mean?
Form history is stored in the file formhistory.sqlite in the Firefox Profile Folder
A file size of 30 MB of formhistory.sqlite seems quite large to me.
You can use the Form History Control extension to inspect and modify saved form data.
- Form History Control: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/12021
Copy and Paste this code in the Code field in the "Tools > Error Console" and click the "Evaluate" button to compress (vacuum) the formhistory.sqlite database file.
const Cc=Components.classes,Ci=Components.interfaces; Cc["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-history;1"].getService(Ci.nsIFormHistory2). DBConnection.executeSimpleSQL("VACUUM");
the addon: Just what I needed.. thanks a lot.