What happened to the ability to bookmark multiple tabs in one click? As far as I can tell, the new Firefox has dropped this option and now forces you to create a folder, individually bookmark every page and organize the bookmarks yourself.
Clean install of Firefox on clean install of Win7 x86. Previous bookmarks lost due to hdd crash. Trying to configure Firefox 4 like my previous Firefox 3 and finding it difficult. This was my favorite feature of the previous Firefox and I'm dismayed that it's either gone or well-hidden.
Alle Antworten (2)
You can access bookmark all tabs by right-clicking on a tab, or use the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+D
Some menu entries are hidden by default and only show up if you use the keyboard to open the menu. Bookmark All Tabs is one of them and you see that entry if you use Alt + B to open the Bookmarks menu. You can see the same if you use Alt + F to open the File menu instead of pressing Alt and click the menu entry.