shows "well this is embarassing couldn't restore tabs" after closing firefox with empty page
Hi I would like to tell about bug. After opening firefox says well this is embarassing. firefox couldn't restore the tabs from your last session. and I click on start new session.
To reproduce the problem 1. Visit http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=60 click on "pop up window" link below time. It should open pop up window. 2. And close the pop up window. 3. open new tab and close all tabs except the new empty tab. Please do it exactly. 4. Now you can exit firefox. 5. Reopen firefox application and you should see well this is embarassing. firefox couldn't restore the tabs from your last session
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Alle Antworten (5)
-> Tap ALT key or press F10 to show the Menu Bar
-> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Privacy section -> Firefox will: select "Remember History" -> click OK
Check and tell if its working.
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that option is already selected. by the way I didn't play with almost any settings since installed firefox.
The issue still causes inconveniences to me in firefox 9.0.1 and after the steps above. this issue is not site specific. It can be reproduced with any site that can open pop up window.
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-> Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems
Check and tell if its working.