Web site font seems odd
98% of website I go to display are just fine and correct but there's a small percentage that don't and I'm not sure what's making these sites display the way they do but would like to be able to resolve the issue.
It seems to be Font related, if I change the Firefox settings to force to use my fonts and not page fonts all is ok on those 2% of sites but then Facebook and other websites don't seem correct as they are now on my fonts not their own. I'd like a way to fix this OR if there is an addon that allows me to one click change the font on a page then once done I can just unclick the addon to put it back the way it was that would do me too, but I could not find such an addon.
Thank you for any help you may be able to give :- )
Alle Antworten (2)
Here's a screen shot of what I'm talking about on how the 2% of sites font show up.
any help pls???