'Group your Tabs' page gets scrambled + unresponsive script
I have around 12 groups of tabs in FF8.0.1. on w XP. When I switch to the 'Group your tabs' page, the tab groups are often shifted around, often stacked so that one hides several. Boxes may be resized. Then, an 'Unresponsive Script' box is likely to appear, and reappear after clicking Continue or Stop. While a box is present I cannot (of course) click on a tab group to open it, so it takes quick work to unearth and click on a tab group box before another unresponsive script box appears. The messsage in the box usually refers to a chrome: link (I don't have Chrome), sometimes a resource: link
Any explanation/work round/solution
Alle Antworten (1)
Now the 'Group your Tabs' button does not work, I can't swap groups, and on restarting all unactive tabs show about:Tabs rather than the web page title - the only clue as to what is what is the icon.
What's going wrong with Firefox?