Offline bookmarks
Hi, there's one web page that I'd like to consult when I'm offline so I downloaded it whole, and now I have a folder with all it's files, which I can now surf offline, but the problem is that now I can't use the search option (because it's linked to google, and I'd need internet connection), and that slows me down a lot.
So, the web page has a bookmark file which you can import to your own bookmarks which contains all the indexes to the web page sections, and is really useful, but this bookmarks are linked to the online version of the web page, so I can't use them offline, (offline links looks like "file:///C:/My Web Sites/xxxx.com/www.xxxx.com/index.htm", while the online is just "www.xxxx.com/index.htm").
I was wondering if there is any way to modify the bookmark folder to work with the offline files. (I know that I can edit the link path one by one, but that would just be TOO slow).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Alle Antworten (2)
You might like http://www.httrack.com/ -> I have used it in the past to save offline web pages
That's actually the program I used to save the web page.