Why HTML5 (you tube account MultiZOO7) cannot play some of my video in Real 3D?
My You Tube account is MultiZOO7 My 3D-videos uploaded to YouTube until April 2012 are played in firefox HTML5 Real 3D for example: http://www.youtu.be/cqvHDY4XJyg and videos uploaded to YouTube after 15 April 2012 are played only in anaglif mode, and HTML5 shows anamorf stereopair, for example: http://youtu.be/0aoLCQBZlLM help me please Stanislav
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Hi MultiZOO7,
Have you looked at this article:
There is an issue with 3D videos on certain nvidia cards. I think this only affects Firefox 11, but you might want to try the FF 12 Beta to see if that fixes the issue.
Hopefully this helps!