why you insist typing in light gray all the short description ... specially in addon page?
some people may have problem seeing light gray written in small font size -like me- so please consider people that not blind but they are going to be.
my problem is in the add ons page ... the short description made by light gray which is hard to read. and when i navigate allover your site its ok ... but most of the text are peal.
I hope you consider that, or you may tell me the best way to change it. Thank you,
Alle Antworten (1)
To change the text color on the Firefox Add-ons site, this is probably the best way: 1. Install the NoSquint extension and be sure to restart Firefox when prompted.
2. After NoSquint is installed, visit any page on the Firefox Add-ons site.
3. Right-click the zoom level indicator on the add-on bar and choose Site Settings.
4. In the NoSquint Site Settings window that opens, check the Text option, then click the color swatch next to it to pick a color.
5. Click the OK button when done.
6. If you find other areas of the site are unreadable afterwards, you can check both the Background and the Disable Background Images options in the aforementioned window.
This is a support forum for problems with Firefox. To report problems with the Firefox Add-ons site, head over to the Mozilla Add-ons Forum, AMO Feedback and Support section.