Since the getpersonas website is moving over to addons.mozilla.org, how do I get to my favorites from the getpersonas website?
How do I get to my Favorites from getpersonas website? I can't find them on the addons.mozilla.org account. There's a folder for "favorite addons" but it's not the same ones as the ones from my getpersonas account.
Alle Antworten (5)
Getpersonas won't be moving for sometime, and when it does they will likely move all features it had to AMO. If they don't, file a bug about it at bugzilla.mozilla.org
No, It's already moved -- see https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2013/04/11/background-themes-have-moved-to-amo/
Your favorites are supposed to be migrated, but I can't find mine either. Maybe it didn't merge my accounts and I have to find another one, or maybe I'm just screwed and have to re-find my couple dozen favorites out of a couple hundred thousand crappy ones.
Yeah, I seem to be having the same problem as dveditz. x.x
I found mine... the AMO account's favorites have "mine" in the path. I replaced that with my username (not email address) from getpersonas and found all my favorites. I couldn't find any link to that list or collection, possibly that's being treated as a separate user rather than being merged into my AMO account (which has a different username, but the same email address).
I was able to go through the list and manually click the little "favorite" heart on each one and now have them all in my official AMO favorites. Ugh, but much less painful than having to weed through all the themes on the site. It's a one-time PITA, right? guess I can live with that. Hope this helps someone else find their themes
Tried to replace "mine" with my getpersonas username and it didn't work. x_X