How to remove Bookmarks Toolbar from bookmark menu in FF 28?
I can't seem to get rid of it using any of the solutions on the web. My userChrome.css file is shown below - it is effective at getting rid of subscribe and some of the other crud on the bookmark menu, but Bookmarks Toolbar is completely immune. I'm on Windows7.
/* * Edit this file and copy it as userChrome.css into your * profile-directory/chrome/ */ /* * This file can be used to customize the look of Mozilla's user interface * You should consider using !important on rules which you want to * override default settings. */ /* * Do not remove the @namespace line -- it's required for correct functioning */ @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* set default namespace to XUL */ /* #menu_bookmarkThisPage, */ #subscribeToPageMenuitem, #subscribeToPageMenupopup, #menu_bookmarkAllTabs, /* #bookmarksShowAll, */ #organizeBookmarksSeparator, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu+menuseparator, #bookmarksMenuPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #menu_unsortedBookmarks { display:none!important; } #BMB_viewBookmarksToolbar, #BMB_viewBookmarksToolbar+menuseparator, #BMB_bookmarksShowAll, #BMB_bookmarksShowAll+menuseparator, /* #BMB_bookmarkThisPage, */ #BMB_subscribeToPageMenuitem, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup+menuseparator, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar+menuseparator, #BMB_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #BMB_unsortedBookmarks { display:none!important; } #appmenu_showAllBookmarks, #appmenu_showAllBookmarks+menuseparator, /* #appmenu_bookmarkThisPage, */ #appmenu_subscribeToPage, #appmenu_subscribeToPageMenu, #appmenu_subscribeToPageMenupopup, #appmenu_subscribeToPageMenupopup+menuseparator, #appmenu_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #appmenu_unsortedBookmarks { display:none!important; } #menu_bookmarkThisPage, #subscribeToPageMenuitem, #subscribeToPageMenupopup, #menu_bookmarkAllTabs, #bookmarksShowAll, #organizeBookmarksSeparator, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu+menuseparator, #bookmarksMenuPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #menu_unsortedBookmarks {display: none !important;} /* remove cruft */ #subscribeToPageMenuitem, #subscribeToPageMenupopup, menuitem[command="Browser:BookmarkAllTabs"], menuitem[label="Open All in Tabs"], menuseparator[builder="end"], #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu+menuseparator { display: none !important; } #urlbar-icons > #star-button { display: none !important; } #feed-button { display: none !important; } #back-forward-dropmarker {display:none !important;} #menu_unsortedBookmarks, #bookmarksMenuPopup > menuseparator[builder="end"] {display:none!important;} #organizeBookmarksSeparator { display: none !important; } /*Hide Bookmark menu */ #navigator-toolbox menu[label="Bookmarks"] { display: none !important; } toolbarbutton.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-text { display: none !important; }
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Alle Antworten (11)
The website autoformatted the hash signs # as numbered lists... here goes again.
(I've removed the code here and edited to first post to show the formatting - c)
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It did it again. Useless junk...
I'm not sure what items you are referring to.
What items and where (Bookmarks Menu button, Firefox App menu button) are you trying to remove?
Note that your code has some duplicate entries and that you currently hide the Bookmarks menu item on the menu bar, so you wouldn't need the code to hide items in that menu.
On the bookmarks menu. Didn't I say that? Yes I did in the title.
There are duplicate entries because I have tried everything on the web. Nothing works....
I asked because you content of the userChrome.css includes code to hide the bookmarks menu, so you shouldn't even see that menu anymore if the code is working properly.
/*Hide Bookmark menu */ #navigator-toolbox menu[label="Bookmarks"] { display: none !important; }
Make sure that you edit the file in the correct location.
You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
- Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Director: Show Folder (Linux: Open Director; Mac: Show in Finder)
Yes, I used that.
As I said, *some* things go away like the star in the url bar and the unsorted bookmarks menu item, but Bookmarks Toolbar just sits there all proud of itself for being hard coded into the menu.
I understood the original's poster's question. In Firefox 29, here is the code that works:
/* Hide Bookmarks Toolbar Folder */ #BMB_bookmarksToolbar, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar + menuseparator, #appmenu_bookmarksToolbar, #appmenu_bookmarksToolbar + menuseparator, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu, #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu + menuseparator, #BMB_unsortedBookmarks, #appmenu_unsortedBookmarks, menuseparator.hide-if-empty-places-result { display: none !important; }
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This does nothing for me unless I remove the "hide-if-empty-places-result" field in which case it hides all the seperators.
Current Firefox versions no longer have the orange Firefox menu button, so selectors that start with #appmenu will no longer have any effect. Also make sure that the last item before {display:none!important;} doesn't have a trailing comma before the opening curly bracket ({)
Possible selectors for the "Show your bookmarks" drop-down list that all start with "#BMB_" (add commas where needed)
#BMB_viewBookmarksSidebar #BMB_bookmarksShowAllTop, #BMB_bookmarksShowAll #BMB_bookmarkThisPage #BMB_subscribeToPageMenuitem #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup, #BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup+menuseparator #BMB_bookmarksToolbar, #BMB_bookmarksToolbar+menuseparator #BMB_unsortedBookmarks and possibly BMB_unsortedBookmarksPopup
Possible selectors for the Bookmarks menu (add commas where needed)
#menu_bookmarkThisPage #subscribeToPageMenuitem #subscribeToPageMenupopup #menu_bookmarkAllTabs #bookmarksShowAll, #organizeBookmarksSeparator #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu #bookmarksToolbarFolderMenu+menuseparator #bookmarksMenuPopup menuseparator[builder="end"] #menu_unsortedBookmarks
I have the Classic Theme Restorer addon so this works in the bookmarks menu in my menu bar, but it doesn't fix the issue in the menu button on the bookmarks toolbar.
If you use the CTR extension then items in the BMB button that this extension adds get a ctraddon_ prefix:
- ctraddon_bookmarks-menu-toolbar-button
- ctraddon_BMB_bookmarkThisPage
You can check that in the DOM Inspector.